This blog is intended to stimulate people's brains hence the title Excelsior, which is Latin for "higher." But I want to go ever higher and present material to think about and stimulate good conversations with differeing viewpoints. Now, you will not find the most entertaining or intellectually stimulating material here. Chances are you will find a lot of random and ad hoc material that should not be even printed. But I want to draw in thoughts reflecting various facets of human existence.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Christos Anesti!
Again, a kala Pascha to my fellow Orthodox Christians!
As I have said, I am privileged to be a chanter in the Eastern Orthodox Communion. I am privileged to chant hymns which are so old, both in terms of musical style and also in text. The texts and the music are so inextricably linked unlike most of the music which comes out of modern expressions of Western Christianity which is painfully mediocre and stale with words that are so vapid and devoid of meaning that they may as well be put on pop radio stations.
Anyway, I look forward to this time of year if only to sing the Paschal Troparion: Christ is Risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!
So simple, yet so moving. And the melody to which we sing it is in this haunting plagal of the first tone (i.e. Tone 5). That can be heard in the video. The monks singing are from the Vatopaidi Monastery on Mt. Athos in Greece, one of 19 monasteries on that particular mountain which I hope to see sometime soon for my own spiritual edification. And to to be able to sing this hymn while under the dome ornate with a fresco of Christ, trampling upon the doors of Hades and lifting up our ancestors Adam and Eve from their tombs and giving them life instead of death, joy instead of sorrow, is nothing short, I am sure of amazing. So, enjoy.
That which is often expressed and understood by the term ‘gender’ in the end amounts to the self-emancipation of the human person from creation and from the Creator--Benedict XVI, Pope of Rome
I'm a 36 year old educator. I have taught Latin and Greek and the Classics in general. I believe that these subjects are fundamental to the understanding of ourselves as a culture and as a nation.
I'm an Eastern Orthodox Christian and so many of the topics on religion will reflect that particular belief and faith and practice. I am also an ordained reader and chanter in the Antiochian Diocese of Wichita and Mid-America under the omophorion of His Grace, Bishop BASIL.
I'm a proud husband and father. Those two people now occupy the lion's share of my time which is why I am not posting as much as I would like.
I very much try to promote civility, responsibility and education. Too much of America lacks one or all of those three traits and I know that I am probably waging an uphill and ultimately futile war, but I will continue to do so.
Music is also of great importance to me. I'm into so many different styles and genres. I also compose.
I try to take care of myself not only in mind but also in body.
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