OK, at the insistence of a friend of mine (she knows who she is) I have decided to start my own blogsphere. Why? Nothing what you will read here will necessarily be revolutionary, inspiring, elating, depressing, etc. What you will read here are random musings and thoughts of someone who spends his days and his nights in almost perpetual thought. And let me tell you something--it hurts! If you're one of those people who gets headaches because you spend more than five hours reading a book or balancing your checkbook, then you know where I'm coming from.
I would like to presume that I think with a purpose, but let's be honest: Not everything has to have purpose or practical application. Education, by its very derivation from the Latin verb educere, which means "to draw or lead out [of oneself]" indicates that we are drawing from within ourselves a spark of the divine. Does that mean we do such to become like God? Not exclusively, but it can. However you may regard education, knowledge, wisdom (all of which may be presented here or may not) what you will read here, I hope, will at least stimulate conversation from the mundane and ephemeral to the celestial and empyrean.
Topics on this blog will range from diverse fields. You will see postings on art, music, sports, movies, TV, history, politics, religion, philosophy, life in general. Feel free to comment on what you like (please be civil and limit your profanities if you ardently disagree) and I hope to have some good conversations as a result.
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Yay! Welcome to the blogspot world. Have fun. :)
Good Luck Man!
Get out your dictionaries, Palo has a blog. Glad to see it. It will give you less time to rail upon my posts on my blog. :) Actually, I could use some sign of life over there.
Glad to see you've started a blog as I've enjoyed your comments on other blogs I read.
P.S. I think I know your aunt!
My aunt is Susan Cherwien. how do you know her?
She is a member of the parish which employs me as their administrative assistant. Her spouse is my colleague there.
They are two of the most gifted people I know - both of them blessings to their parish and to the whole church.
Shortly afer I converted, she told me that she has a nephew who is Orthodox - your last name is not very common ...
I put 2 and 2 together.
Enjoying your blog so far, Chris. I have to say, I'm learning a lot about you...
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